Why Every Doctor Should Consider Setting Up a Trust
Many doctors have set up family trusts to manage their income and wealth. Is it time for you to set up a trust for you, your family and your practice? Learn more from medical accounting specialist Kym Nitschke.
How Should a Young Medical Professional Build Wealth?
Even a young medical professional new in the field needs to think about saving, retiring and investing writes medical accountant Kym Nitschke.
How Surgeons Can Avoid Financial Stress
Being a surgeon is one of the most stressful jobs in the world, and finances and wealth can add to the pain, writes medical accountant Kym Nitschke.
Your Medical Practice: Grow the Team or Refer Out? Key Considerations
You’ve reached that point where you wonder whether it’s time to expand. Should you take on more team members and grow your medical practice? Or is it best to just keep referring out your patients to other practitioners and lose business? In this post, medical accountant Kym Nitschke helps you weigh the pros and the […]
Medical Accounting: The Smartest Financial Moves for Any Medical Professional
Are you a busy doctor, surgeon or dentist? Medical accountant, financial planner Kym Nitschke shares 7 tips for any medical professional to build wealth.