Part 2: Finding and Fitting Out Your Medical Clinic Property

Missed part 1, where we talk about the location of your medical clinic property? Go back. Now that you’ve got a new medical clinic property in your name, it’s time to fit it out. Use this checklist from Nitschke Nancarrow to create the professional and welcoming environment your future patients are looking for.
Part 1: Finding and Fitting Out Your Medical Clinic Property

Location, location, location. As with all other things related to property, location is everything. You can choose the perfect medical clinic property for your practice by reviewing the following points.
How Doctors and Medical Specialists Can Pay Less Tax

The title of ‘doctor’ brings both a lot of respect and a respectable income. Unfortunately, though, you’re also popular with the tax man. So you need to get savvy and learn some ways to pay less tax. You’ve got bills and debts to pay, a practice to run and a life to live. How can […]