5 Things to Remember When Changing Your Business Structure

Are you ready for a change in your business structure? More importantly, is your business ready for the change?
Nitschke Nancarrow managing partner Kym Nitschke has five pointers that you should reflect on before making any radical business moves.
Advantages of a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF)

Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSF) are giving Australians more control than ever before over their superannuation. Is an SMSF right for you? Adelaide financial planner Kym Nitschke explains the benefits.
Unclaimed Money – Could Some of It Be Yours?

Learning to wisely manage your financial resources is a valuable life skill. But being given some extra cash doesn’t hurt either. In fact, you might even be entitled to money that for years hasn’t been accounted for.
Can I Claim Work-Related Self-Education Expenses?

Adelaide Accountant Kym Nitschke reviews exactly which aspects of your self-education you can claim when reporting taxes.
Tax Deductions: Entertainment Expenses Explained

Before you go all out on a lavish event in the hope of impressing a client and scoring a major tax deduction, understand a few key points.
Xero Tip #7: New Layout Editor for Financial Reports

Ready to kick your financial reports up a notch? A new layout from Xero could make your reports easier than ever before.
My Tax Return Is Complete – What Records Should I Keep?

Nitschke Nancarrow managing partner Kym Nitschke explains which records you should hold onto after lodging your taxes.
How Much Insurance Cover Do I Need?

If you’re a bit confused about how much insurance cover you need in your life, look no further! Adelaide accountant Kym Nitschke discusses the fundamentals you need to know in determining the amount of cover you need.
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